In nearly every household, there is a particular balance of who does what and almost always, one person is the "tech person" in the couple. At Quietech, we frequently find ourselves helping the "non-tech person" of the household who has been left behind. Not only have these people just lost a spouse, they are also unnecessarily dealing with the fallout of not knowing passwords, email accounts, etc. We can absolutely help in these crisis situations, but this stress and expense only adds to what the survivor is going through.
Although none of us like to think of our time as limited, we really have the opportunity to make our loved one's lives easier with a little bit of planning ahead.
Ready for help? Reach out.
Quietech will help you make a list of “places you exist” online, compile important passwords, organize your documents digitally, and help you appoint a digital executor. We will deliver a physical packet along with a flash drive, to be kept in a secure place, like a home safe, or a safe deposit box.
Quietech will serve as your “digital executor”. We will assist your survivor(s) with accessing critical records, shutting off unneeded services when the timing is right, and guiding your loved one(s) on digital tasks.
Quietech can help with creating Celebration of Life videos, designing funeral handouts, and other digital assistance tailored to your needs.
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Serving Nevada County & Placer County - Grass Valley, Nevada City, Truckee, Penn Valley, North San Juan, Colfax, Lake Wildwood, Rough & Ready, Lake of the Pines, Alta Sierra, Washington, Soda Springs, Auburn, Dutch Flat, Meadow Vista, North Auburn, and the world remotely!
Quietech is licensed and insured. We are also certified to provide HIPAA compliant technical assistance.
Bureau of Household Goods and Services license #92673.
© 2024 Quietech Associates, Inc.